Researchers at Avanan are a Check Point subsidiary. They have recently issued a warning that anyone who uses Microsoft Teams should be aware of. According to the latest statistics, more than 270 million people use Teams every single month. According to Avanan, hackers are breaking into Team chats and attaching malicious files to ongoing conversations. By all outward appearances the attached files appear to be relevant to the conversations, but anyone unfortunate enough to click on [...]
Individual users often don't have a good sense of the scope and scale of hacking attacks around the world. The numbers may shock you. According to Microsoft, in 2021 the company blocked more than 25.6 billion brute force authentication attacks against Azure AD users. They also and intercepted a staggering 35.7 billion phishing emails with Microsoft Defender for Office 365. Vasu Jakkal is Microsoft's Corporate Vice President for Security, Compliance, and Identity. Jakkal is both [...]
An increasing number of scammers are using social media to target victims and relying on social engineering tricks to convince people to part with their personal information or money. The problem has grown serious enough that the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has issued a formal warning to consumers. According to a recently released FTC report: "More than 95,000 people reported about $770 million in losses to fraud initiated on social media platforms in 2021. Those [...]
Share There is a new phishing campaign to keep a watchful eye on according to email security firm INKY. It's a particularly fiendish one. The attackers have designed an email template that does an admirable job of imitating the look and feel of emails sent from the US Department of Labor. These are being sent out to recipients asking them to submit bids for an ongoing DOL project with the specifics of the project varying from one email to the next. The emails are professionally [...]
Share Scammers delight in impersonating government agencies and well-known brands to lure email recipients into giving up their personal information. That information is then either exploited directly or sold to the highest bidder on the Dark Web. Have you ever wondered which agencies, companies or brands are the most imitated by these attackers? Whether you have or not it should come as no surprise that someone is tracking that. Security firm Checkpoint is tracking it to be [...]
There's a new strain of malware called SysJoker to be mindful of. It's especially dangerous because it can target Windows, Mac or Linux systems. That makes it an equal opportunity strain. Researchers at Intezer are credited with discovering the malware in the wild in December of 2021 during an investigation of an attack on a Linux server. The group was able to obtain samples of the virus for analysis and have concluded that SysJoker is a nasty piece of work indeed. Written[...]
Chalk up another first for the hackers. For the first time that we know of, a successful hacking attack caused prisoners in New Mexico to be confined to their cells for a time. The Metropolitan Detention Center in Bernalillo County, New Mexico went into lockdown on January 5th of this year (2022) when hackers infiltrated the prison system's network and deployed a malware payload. For the duration of the system outage the prison cells could not be opened. While the [...]
It's the dawning of a new year and the hackers of the world have been busy. This time it's US Cellular caught in the crosshairs. The company recently reported that their billing system was hacked and they sent breach notification letters to more than four hundred impacted individuals. US Cellular is the fourth largest carrier in the United States. Only 405 of the company's customers seem to have been affected which makes this attack quite small in terms of scope and [...]
A new threat has appeared on the horizon. Even if the name is not familiar to you this malware strain is bad news indeed. Called RedLine it is an information-stealing malware that specifically targets popular web browsers including Opera, Microsoft's Edge browser, and Chrome. Unfortunately, many people have come to rely on their trusty web browser to store and remember their passwords for them. RedLine takes advantage of this and the group behind the code has found a way to crack the [...]
Share Recently digital media giant Shutterfly was hit by a major ransomware attack. The attack disrupted broad swaths of the company's services including those offered under their GrooveBook, BorrowLenses, and Lifetouch brands. According to a report received by BleepingComputer, Shutterfly was targeted by the Conti gang. That group was able to encrypt more than four thousand of the company's devices and 120 VMware and ESXi servers. Like so many ransomware attacks in recent [...]
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